Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Jewish Chicago Convertjudaism online, Rabbi Jonathan Ginsburg accused of sexual exploitation

convertjudaism,Rabbi Jonathan Ginsburg - Jewish Chicago Convert judaism, Rabbi Jonathan Ginsburg accused of sexual exploitation, intentionally inflicting emotional distress, sexual battery and 12 other charges. Skokie ILLINOIS

The alleged predator is using a fear tactic again.Very typical of sex predators!All the Articles used in Rabbi Jonathan Ginsburg - Rabbi Gail Ginsburg - Gail Nord Ginsburg Fake Rabbi and Rabbi accused of sexual abuse target potential new victims on youtube are from the main media like The Associated Press the largest news agency in the world and facts speak for themselves

Some say that Jonathan Ginsburg was having inappropriate sexual relations with xstian minister Gail Ginsburg at the time when he "converted" her.More people are uniting around this ideal, lets save lifes Since I have another blog on the subject of spiritual abuse, I feel it necessary to post this as a warning.

This is from facebook
I was recently made aware of a Rabbi doing long-distance conversions on the internet through the medium of YouTube.com. I personally am converting Orthodox, however, it seems that this particular Rabbi has quite a large following on YouTube.for more
Ginsburg and Temple of Aaron leaders wrote letters to the congregation. Ginsburg apologized 'for an admittedly regrettable incident.' The synagogue's board of directors said the rabbi 'frankly acknowledged his errors in judgment and expressed his profound and deeply felt apologies.'Gail Ginsburg a Lutheran minister, was ordained in a long distance scheme as a 'rabbi' and NO movement of Judaism recognizes her as a rabbi. Now she pretends to be a Kabbalist and runs this conversion program. Her understanding of judaism and hebrew is less than any 10 yrs old Jewish child.Some say that Jonathan Ginsburg was having inappropriate sexual relations with Gail Ginsburg at the time when he converted her.
What a surprise lol